Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Day In the Life...

Everyday Ryan asks me how my day was and what I did, as he has done every single day since we started dating. I love it and it makes me feel good that he cares what my days are like. It's part of our system of checking in with each other to stay connected. Although, now that I'm a stay at home mom and no longer working outside of the home, I don't often have anything to tell him. My answer is usually, "Ohh, it was fine. We didn't really do anything." This is only partially true I have found. What I should probably say is, "It was busy but we didn't really do anything terribly exciting or out of the ordinary."

"What do you do all day?" is a common question to ask a stay at home mom/wife. But, why do we ask this? We don't ask our child care providers what they did all day. We know what they did...they took care of our children, and that's all we expect! Why would we expect to hear a stay at home mom did anything on top of taking care of their children? I decided to, for a day, record every single thing we did to see what all I really do. NOTE: It's not an exciting day and I don't expect you to read every single thing I did. It was more for my own self-reflection.

8:40amJace & Mommy up
8:43amJace: clean diaper & clothes
8:50amMommy breakfast
9amSweep kitchen, clean countertops & microwave, clean half bath- constantly checking on/holding/redirecting Jace
9:35amBreastfeed Jace
9:45amMop kitchen
9:48amStop mopping to clean up spit up
9:49amResume mopping, holding Jace
9:52amCheck on still-sleeping Ally
9:55amTake pics of upstairs for home listing
10:05amMake bed while wearing Jace (because my arms are falling off)
10:08amTake pics of master bedroom
10:12amAlly up
10:13amNurse Ally, Jace begging for attention, chewing on my leg, pulling on Ally's shirt
NOTE: Mommy needs water & bathroom break
10:18amCuddle kiddos & watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10:19amMickey not on…calm toddler, play DVR episode
10:20amNurse Jace, Ally laying on my legs
10:25amMommy bathroom break & water (didn't have to wait too long this time!)
10:29amMake Ally's bed
10:31amAlly: "Mommy!! He's STUCK!"…rescue Jace from between fish tank stand and TV stand where he was wedged
10:32amTake pic of Ally's room…BOTH batteries for camera dead, set to charge
10:35amSit down to cool off & enjoy kiddos while they're both happy
10:40amWipe down master bathroom
10:42amTend to wimpering Jace
10:43amBreastfeed Jace, Ally demanding more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, start another DVR episode
10:45amAlly finally ready for breakfast, get cereal & milk, set Jace down long enough to pour milk
10:48amAlly eating, Nurse Jace
10:50amWrestle Jace to get clean diaper & shorts snapped
10:55amChamomilla for irritable Jace who is sleepy
10:56amRock & nurse Jace to sleep
11:08amJace down for nap #1
11:09amGet dressed to workout
11:12amWorkout-Cathe Freidrich's Kick Punch & Crunch
12:22pmWorkout complete
12:23pmAlly wants cottage cheese
12:26pmShower with Ally (yes, she can eat that fast!)
12:40pmOut of shower, minimal makeup done, hair will have to air dry
12:49pmAlly wakes Jace up after the getting-dressed battle begins
12:52pmTantrum ends, Ally asks for help getting dressed & nummies
12:57pmNursing done, Ally & Jace wrestling, Mommy making lunch
1:01pmJace done wrestling, Ally not…Mommy explains Jace isn't have fun anymore
1:03pmMommy lunch
1:05pmAlly wants lunch (after I asked her and she said, "no thank you") & nummies
1:13pmMake Ally tortilla with cheese (her request), while Jace chews on my shoulder (ouch!)
1:17pmClear Ally's table from earlier eating, Ally eating
1:18pmBreastfeed Jace
1:19pmJace done
1:22pmJace spits everything up & then nurses again
1:24pmJace done nursing, sits on my lap & plays with toes :-)
1:25pmJace decides he needs more…
1:28pmJace done, again, Kids play together
1:29pmMommy puts laundry away
1:39pmRedirect Jace to his toys, Vac living room
1:44pmHelp Ally pick out nap time movie
1:46pmFish stray food out of Jace's mouth
1:47pmStart Ally's movie & do night-night nummies
1:52pmTV off in living room…Quite time for Mommy & Jace
2:01pmFold laundry while Jace plays
2:06pmNurse Jace
2:11pmChange Jace's diaper, more chamomilla
2:15pmAlly yelling from her room, stopped her movie & needs help
2:33pmMommy snack, Jace playing
2:35pmNurse/rock Jace to sleep
2:55pmJace nap #2, Ally still awake in her room
2:56pmMommy breathe time, catch up on Facebook, finalize Disney dining plans so I can make reservations at 6am tomorrow
3:27pmGet Ally up after giving up on her napping, she is completely naked and yelling in her room
3:32pmStart dishwasher and load of laundry
3:41pmPut laundry away, bring dry load up to fold
3:45pmNurse Ally, only to find that Jace is awake. Carry Ally upstairs while nursing to get Jace.
3:46pmBoth kids climbing on me. Ally wants to play, Jace doesn't.
3:48pmAlly's game: Kiss Jace, Hug Jace…Kiss Mommy, Hug Mommy…"I love you Baby Jace, I love you Mommy"…Repeat routine.
3:54pmAlly trying to pull Jace by his hair, very upset Jace…Ally is separated from the situation, Jace gets nummies, Ally apologizes & gives kisses to "make Baby Jace all better"
4:02pmSnacks for everyone
4:20pmRescue Jace who has toppled over trying to climb in Ally's grocery cart, all the while never losing his carrot!
4:22pmNurse Jace
4:29pmJace hits head on couch while pulling up. Ally: "Mommy, you pick him up?! It's ok Jacer-Man! It's ok, it's ok, it's ok! Eat you carrot. Ok, ok, Here! (as she hands him a toy) You makin' me nuts!"
4:40pmTake final pics for home listing (now that camera is charged)
4:43pmUpload and email pics to realtors while kids are playing nicely
4:49pmRescue Jace from under Sissy, who is sitting on him
4:50pmNurse sleepy Jace, nap #2 was not sufficient
4:57pmGet ready to go to Baby Boot Camp- food for Ally, Mommy dressed, waters
5:08pmSnack for Mommy & Ally
5:18pmClothes for Ally, once again she's naked
5:19pmNummies for Ally
5:22pmAlly done nursing, Now she wants to play "Mommy scare me!" 
5:28pmShoes for Ally
5:30pmChange Jace's diaper
5:35pmKids in van
6:20pmArrive at Baby Boot Camp
6:25pmNurse both kids
6:45pmLeave Baby Boot Camp- no show class
7:20pmArrive at home, Ryan already home
7:25pmNurse both kids
7:45pmDinner with family
8:20pmChange Jace's diaper, more chamomilla, nurse
8:41pmKids playing, reading
8:42pmSend Ally to get her pj's
9pmRyan takes Ally to bed, Mommy rock/nurse Jace to sleep
9:18pmJace asleep, in bed
9:25pmMommy coloring hair
9:41pmAlly still awake, wants more night-night nummies
9:45pmJace suddenly awake

I didn't record anything past 9:45pm because I spent the rest of the evening nursing and putting Jace back to sleep. I think I ended up going to bed myself sometime around 11 or midnight. This also ended up being the night that we made an ER trip at 4am for Jace who ended up having croup.

So, there you have it. This is what a stay at home mom does all day. It's nothing glamorous or exciting and not a lot to share BUT, it's important work for their family. Each smile and sweet hug from the little ones, and a simple comment from the husband about what a great mom you are makes the day-to-day worth it.

1 comment:

  1. omg i know we all do this but seeing it written down makes me so tired! no wonder we are tired a lot! lol!
