Wednesday, November 2, 2011


After having no computer for some time, and thus no easy way to blog, I finally got a new computer! YAY! I will say it seems to have been somewhat beneficial for me to be without this piece of technology for a bit. I'm not on my new laptop nearly as often as I used to be since I got used to not having it, and am of course more productive in life because of that. I did miss sharing my life and anecdotes here with you and had several people demand I catch up. So, here we are. Where do I pick up when everyday is an adventure with two toddlers and life is ever-changing and strangely the same? I decided to share some "Ally-isms". Life is certainly trying and challenging with the double-trouble that are my kiddos. To help my patience and remember how awesome being a mom is, I've been writing down some of the things that come out of Ally's mouth. She's pretty brilliant and never ceases to amaze me with the ideas she puts together! She drives me nuts so I am trying to live in these silly and smart moments she shares with me.

"I don't have a tail, I just have a butt." (said so very seriously)

"Uh oh, I think I'm hungry! We better feed me fast!"

"When you a mommy then you have nummies (our word for breasts/nursing). I don't have any nummies on my tummy, see?! (as she pulls her shirt up) They're aaaalllll gone. We have to get me some more."

"Mommy, please I have a treat? [ME] Sure, after you have a healthy food. [Ally] But Mom, I just ate a pretend carrot!"

[Ryan] "Ally, what's your name? [Ally] Alexandra Huffin. [Ryan] What's Jace's whole name? [Ally] Jacer-Man. [Ryan] What's his last name? [Ally] Booger-Butt!" Apparently my son's name is Jacer-Man Booger-Butt. Nice.

I could go on forever but we'll save those for another day when I need  to recall some more fun times...

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