Saturday, April 21, 2012

Detox Day 1, check

I recently decided I wanted to participate in a food-based detox through my chiropractor's office. It sounds like the perfect thing to record via blog, so here I am. Also, any of you who may be waiting for the final day of our Disney trip (from December!), I completely forgot. Haha! Kids do mean things to our time management and ability to remember much of anything. It's typed and awaiting photos. It's coming. ;-) I think I will take some before pictures tomorrow. I'm interested to see if there is a noticeable difference in things like my skin, hair, and of course overall physical appearance. I'll share if it's exciting. My weight right now is 126 which is also part of my reasoning for doing this. I haven't been able to make changes to my body in ways that have worked in the past (cutting out sugar, increased workout intensity, specific core exercises, etc). I am at least 10lbs above where I feel best and I know 115 is a reasonable goal and I have been there, most recently when y son was 6 mo old (1 year ago). Side note, I am only 5' so a healthy weight range for me is between 100-130lbs. 115 isn't just a pretty number I picked. The basics of the detox is raw fruits and veggies for 10 days with Day 3 being a liquid fast. I'll offer more details as I share my daily journey. Today is Day 1 and is simply raw fruits and veggies only, and 80+ oz of water. The detox packet I received from my chiropractor offers several recipe ideas and various tips for a successful detox. The one piece of advice that really struck me as interesting is do not chew gum. The act of chewing signals the body to begin the digestive process and if there is nothing to digest then that causes problems like feelings of hunger or an abundance of unnecessary acid in the stomach. I chew gum all the time! I chew it while I jog so I can keep my mouth from getting dry and I am also a very orally fixated person so gum helps me keep my fingernail chewing at bay. This piece of the detox alone could be a huge challenge! I taught a Baby Boot Camp class this morning and while I know I'm not supposed to workout during the detox, I did participate at pretty close to my normal level. I chose to do this because I always workout on an empty stomach anyway and I have a green smoothie when I get home from class which is what I was going to do today. From here on out, my workouts will be limited to maybe a yoga for detox practice and some walking. I will say, today I wanted so badly to go for a jog. I needed something to occupy my mind and body. For lunch I had a large bowl of apples and pears. I do find it interesting what I want to eat. I am craving salt and protein/fat. I wanted a piece of deli meat or mozzarella cheese so bad! I decided to take a nap since it was nap time for the kids too. I needed to get my mind off the feeling of hunger, even though my stomach felt full. Very strange feeling. I just wasn't satisfied. My nap wasn't all that great. It reminded me if sleeping when I was pregnant; uncomfortable and just not very restful. I had a bowl of grapes after I got up and then made an apple/pear/balsamic vinegar dressing for my spinach salad for dinner. I topped it with some apples, garlic, and pepper and that helped my need for salt. I am really struggling with getting all the water I need though. I am not thirsty and the thought of forcing myself to drink water makes me gag! I have had probably 50oz. I need to brainstorm a project to do over the next 10 days to keep my body busy. Maybe I'll paint the trim and cabinets on our main level to update our home a bit. Tonight is a banana and hot tea then bed. Tomorrow: Day 2 with raw fruits and veggies again.

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