Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Detox Day 4: Awful Turned Awesome

This has been an interesting day to say the very least! It began at 7:45am when I woke up and was so uncomfortable in my own body that I couldn't get back to sleep. I got up and decided that, since the kids were both still sleeping, I'd relax in a hot bath. I got to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror to see a very pale Tara. Not good. I did some deep breathing and total body relaxation, and enjoyed the weightlessness of the water. I felt so weak. I assumed it was from a lack of calories from yesterday's liquid fast so I got out, crawled downstairs and managed a banana and a glass of water. The glass felt heavy. I was so nauseous and made my way to the bathroom and threw up. I felt absolutely awful. I haven't felt that type of misery since I was in labor with Jace. I was crampy, shaky, weak, exhausted, and just felt nasty. Like the worst flu ever. I got ahold of my sister and she came over to watch the kids so I could attempt to sleep it off. I just knew I'd feel normal again if I could sleep for a couple hours. I did just that and woke up like it was a new day! I was back to normal and had a good rest of the day! I talked to 2 of my chiropractors and was told that this type of reaction isn't expected from the detox but of course anything is possible. I really do feel like this was just my body ridding itself of a large amount of toxins quickly. Today I had my green smoothie, 2 spinach and romaine salads with baby bella mushrooms and balsamic vinegar, an apple, a banana, and a pretty sundae glass of the Delicious Mistake (see Detox Day 2 for info on that if you missed out). I cleaned the house and did a bunch of laundry in anticipation of showings on our home. I taught my Baby Boot Camp class tonight and of course kept it super modified. It felt good to move around but I was very cautious to keep it low and easy. My cravings today were odd and very child-like. I wanted a bowl of cereal, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and macaroni and cheese. I am consistently surprised that I'm not craving sugarary treats. Sure, I'd love to have some of the candy from Easter but I don't feel a need to eat it like I do these other foods. I'm anxious to see if this trend continues after the cleanse is complete. I am excited for tomorrow as it's my last day of all raw fruits and veggies and also the halfway mark! Yay me!

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