Thursday, April 26, 2012

Detox Day 6: Beginning of the End

Day 6 has been actually a bit more difficult! I was allowed to add in gluten free grains, and the produce doesn't have to be raw anymore. I kept my typical green smoothie since that was part of my routine prior to the detox. I really wasn't very hungry at lunch so I just had a piece of toasted gluten free bread and some homemade raw applesauce. I couldn't even finish the applesauce I was so full. Ally finished it for me. :-) I taught Baby Boot Camp again this evening and did more than I have done the rest of the week but I still modified a bit. I really needed to move and felt like I could, so I did. For dinner I had zucchini and mushrooms with rice. It was good but boy was I full afterwards! I've been craving dessert all evening though and feel very unsatisfied. I wonder if there is a connection to adding in grains? It was very strange to eat something other than raw fruits and veggies. I felt a little guilty! I have noticed a large increase in thirst over the last 2 days. My mouth has been dry most of the day even if I feel full of water. So far I have lost 7 lbs and anticipate that to be as much as I'll lose since that was lost in the first 3 days. I read somewhere that the average person has 8-10 lbs of toxins in their cells at any given time. I can see how that could be true! It'll be interesting to see if I gain any of it back as I add in food and get back to my intense workouts. I am noticeably smaller and my clothes do fit differently since I started the detox (in a good way). 5 lbs on my 5' frame is about a dress size. I am heading out of town tomorrow so I have quite a bit of planning to do in order to finish the final 4 days. We will be eating out for all meals and I'm not sure if I should just order a salad/roasted veggies or if I should bring my own prepared food. It feels rude to bring my own but I don't want to make a mistake this close to the end! I don't like to do things halfway. All or nothing! I've worked so hard to do this successfully.

1 comment:

  1. This is a program that will give you a diet that will burn up the excess fat from your body and will work to flush out the toxic substances in your body. More information on body cleanse colon cleanse.
